OnePlus 7T Pro (review) has received a permanent price cut in India. OnePlus has announced a Rs 4,000 price drop on the 2019 flagship model that touts a pop-up selfie camera and the Snapdragon 855+ SoC. The OnePlus 7T Pro 8GB RAM model with 256GB storage is now available at Rs 43,999 instead of its previous selling price of Rs 47,999. This makes the phone just a tad more expensive than the OnePlus 8 (review), which is available in India starting at Rs 41,999. The new OnePlus 7T Pro price in India is reflecting on the official OnePlus website and 91mobiles can exclusively confirm it’s applicable in partnered offline stores across the country as well. The OnePlus 7T Pro McLaren Edition price in India remains unchanged and will continue to sell at Rs 58,999.
Also read: OnePlus 8T renders reveal complete design; specifications tipped
OnePlus 7T Pro specifications
OnePlus 7T Pro comes with dual-SIM support and Android 10-based OxygenOS running out of the box. The handset sports a notch-less 6.67-inch QHD+ Fluid AMOLED display with support for 90Hz refresh rate and HDR10+. The smartphone is powered by the Snapdragon 855 Plus chipset paired with 8GB RAM and 256GB internal storage.
The OnePlus 7T Pro touts a triple rear camera setup that includes a 48MP Sony IMX586 main sensor, a 16MP wide-angle lens, and an 8MP telephoto lens. There is a 16MP sensor for selfies that is hidden away in a pop-up mechanism. The OnePlus 7T Pro houses a 4,085mAh battery and supports Warp Charge 30T fast charging. Other highlights include an in-display fingerprint scanner and connectivity options such as 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.0, NFC, GPS, and Type-C.
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