Realme X7 Pro India launch is set for Thursday, February 4th, and the smartphone will arrive along with the Realme X7. The company has teased several key features of both the phones through the official Realme India website and Flipkart, which helped us understand that the vanilla Realme X7 is a rebranded Realme V15 5G. Now, the Realme X7 Pro specifications have been listed in their entirety on the Realme India website ahead of launch. Based on the listing, the Realme X7 Pro specs seem to be similar to the China variant.
Also read: Realme X7 5G price in India tipped; actual price could be lower than expected
Realme X7 Pro specifications listed on the Realme India website
Realme X7 Pro specifications are more souped-up compared to the Realme X7. The Pro model sports a 6.55-inch FHD+ (2400×1080) Super AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, 1200 nit brightness, and Gorilla Glass 5 protection. The smartphone is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 1000+ 5G chipset paired with 8GB RAM. The device will be offered in 128GB and 256GB storage options.
Realme X7 Pro comes with a rectangular camera module on the back that houses four camera sensors. The camera system includes a 64MP primary camera, an 8MP wide-angle lens, a B&W portrait lens, and a 2MP macro lens. The phone also gets a 32MP front-facing camera housed in the hole-punch cutout. The Realme X7 Pro packs a 4,500mAh battery and supports 65W SuperDart fast charging. Connectivity options include 5G Dual mode, 2.4/5 GHz Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 6 support, Bluetooth 5.0, aptX, aptX HD, LDAC Bluetooth audio codec, and more. The phone runs on Android 10-based Realme UI and it weighs 184 grams.
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