POCO M3 price in India, specifications, and availability details will be revealed today during the launch event that is scheduled at 12:00 PM IST. The handset will come as a successor to the POCO M2 that was quite successful in India with over one million units sold since launch. This is the company’s first launch in 2021 and it comes after the POCO X3 announcement in September 2020. POCO M3 specs include 48MP triple cameras, a 6,000mAh battery, and the Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SoC. The phone originally debuted globally back in November 2020 and is expected to release in India through Flipkart with an affordable price tag.
Also read: POCO X3 Pro launch seems imminent as it bags multiple certifications
POCO M3 launch event time and livestream link
POCO M3 launch in India will kick off at 12 PM and the company will be live streaming the event on their official YouTube channel and on social media handles. You can watch the event through the YouTube link below.
POCO M3 specifications
POCO M3 sports a 6.53-inch FHD+ display with a waterdrop notch and a standard 60Hz refresh rate. The smartphone ships with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 SoC and the company has confirmed that the Indian variant will come with 6GB RAM. The phone is also expected to come with up to 128GB of internal storage that is further expandable via a microSD card slot. The phone runs on Android 10-based MIUI 12 custom skin on top. POCO M3 outs a massive 6,000mAh battery and 18W fast charging support. Connectivity features include 4G LTE, dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, and USB Type-C port for charging and data sync.
Moving to the cameras, the POCO M3 has triple cameras at the back with a 48MP primary sensor, a 2MP depth sensor for portrait shots, and a 2MP macro lens for close up shots. There is a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for security. On the front, the phone gets an 8MP front-facing camera for selfies and video chats.
POCO M3 price in India (expected)
Globally, the POCO M3 is priced at USD 149 (approx Rs 11,000) for the 4GB+64GB base variant and USD 169 (approx Rs 12,500) for the 4GB+128GB variant. This means we can expect the POCO M3 price in India to start at around Rs 10,000 for the base model. The official POCO M3 India prices will be announced during the launch event later today.
from 91mobiles.com https://ift.tt/3thr3tA
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