Samsung Galaxy F series will be sold on Flipkart, the e-commerce website has confirmed. The new series from Samsung is set to arrive in India soon and we expect to learn the launch date on September 24th. The first smartphone in the Galaxy F series is expected to be the Samsung Galaxy F41. The handset with model number SM-F415F/DS was recently spotted on the Samsung India support page, teasing its imminent launch. The Galaxy F41 specifications were also spotted on the Google Play Console a few days ago. Going by the specs revealed so far, the Samsung Galaxy F41 price in India might be similar to the Galaxy M31.
Also read: Samsung Galaxy F series India launch confirmed; Galaxy F41 to debut soon
It is unclear at the moment where Samsung plans to place the Galaxy F series in the Indian market considering the company already offers the popular Galaxy M series and Galaxy A line between the affordable and mid-range segments. It seems one way the company is looking to differentiate the new series is by making it exclusive to Flipkart. To recall, the Galaxy M series is available exclusively on Amazon.
The Samsung Galaxy F41 is likely the first smartphone in the new series. Specifications tipped so far suggest the phone will sport an FHD+ Infinity-U display and will be powered by the Exynos 9611 SoC paired with 6GB RAM. The smartphone should run on Android 10-based One UI 2.0. The Samsung Galaxy F41 may also sport a triple camera setup, a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor, and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
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