Apple Store online India launch is just a few hours away, although the exact time is unclear at the moment. The online store will be a one-stop destination for all Apple products, including iPhones, iPads, Apple watches, AirPods, and MacBooks. The shopping experience via the Apple Store online will be different compared to third-party e-commerce platforms like Flipkart and Amazon, which were the only ways for online buyers looking for Apple devices until now. Apple’s online store comes with its own set of advantages such as financing options, student discounts, free delivery, personalised engraving, and more. Here are 7 things you should know about the Apple Store online India launch:
Trade-in for iPhone
Apple Store online will allow you to trade-in your old iPhone to purchase a new iPhone at a lower price. The company will ask a few questions to provide the best trade-in value.
You can get a personalised engravings in the form of Emojis and text on select Apple devices, including AirPods, iPads, and Apple Pencil.
Financing options and Students discounts
Apple Store online will provide financing options to buyers for new iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and more. Additionally, for students, there will be special discounts.
Shopping assistance
There will be virtual "specialists" on Apple Store online to answer all your shopping queries. The company says that their assistants will help you choose the right device.
Configure Mac
Apple Store online gives you the option to tailor-make your new Mac as per your needs. Whether it's more memory, storage, or powerful graphics, the e-store has got you covered.
With AppleCare+, you can extend the warranty of the Apple devices purchase through Apple Store up to two years of technical support and accidental damage cover.
No-contact delivery
Last but not the least, for the safety, you get contact-less delivery of all Apple products across India from the e-store. The delivery comes with no additional charges.
Those were the main highlights of Apple Store online India where you will be able to purchase newly-launched products like the Apple Watch SE, Series 6, iPad Air 4, and iPad 8, as well as the upcoming iPhone 12 series in the coming months. We expect to learn more about trade-in offers and so on once Apple’s online store goes live in India. Apart from the e-store, the vendor also plans to open its first retail store in India next year.
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