Redmi India has scheduled a ‘Beat Drop’ event on September 30th, where it will be unveiling new audio products. The teaser video posted on Twitter suggests that the brand might unveil two different TWS earbuds, one of which has a stem design while the other has a more compact design to fit inside the ears similar to the Redmi Earbuds S. These new audio products may come in multiple colours, of which black could be one of them as seen in the teaser video. Though Redmi has set up an event page, no details about the audio products are revealed at the moment.
Separately, Redmi India has introduced a new Blue colour option of its Redmi Earphones and are priced the same as the other colours — Rs 399. These are now available in Black, Red, and Blue colours. To recall, the earphones come with the aluminium sound chamber with a 10mm dynamic driver that is claimed to deliver strong bass. The earphones come with a built-in high definition wired controlled microphone for clear call quality. The earphones come with 1.25 meter Y-shaped cable and the in-line control lets you play/pause music, answer/end calls, and can even trigger voice assistant by long-pressing the play/pause button.
Redmi earphones come with ergonomic design for a better fit in-ears and the silicone earplugs come with mesh anti-earwax that is said to prevent moisture, sweat, or earwax from blocking the sound over the period. The earphones weigh just 13 grams. Additionally, Xiaomi is holding its “Smarter Living” event on September 29th where the company is expected to launch the Mi Band 5 and Mi Watch Revolve, among other things.
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