POCO X3 was launched in India earlier today following the global announcement earlier this month. It is the successor to the POCO X2 and the world’s first phone to come with the Snapdragon 732G SoC. POCO X3 price in India starts at Rs 16,999, making it more affordable than the phone’s European pricing. Notably, while the global version of POCO X3 comes with a 5,160mAh battery and NFC connectivity, the India-specific model has a 6,000mAh capacity, which is 16 percent bigger, and no NFC support. In fact, the reason POCO X3 India variant has a bigger battery is tied to NFC.
In an interview with 91mobiles, the POCO India general manager, C Manmohan, said that the company decided to drop NFC as it did not consider it as an important feature for users in India, thanks to the steady rise of UPI and QR code-based payments. decided to omit the feature and bump up the battery to 6,000mAh. POCO says that this is something that users will be able to take advantage of.
“Most digital payments in India use the UPI mechanism, which is QR code-based – thereby eliminating the need for additional hardware. Keeping that in mind, we thought it did not make sense to make our users pay for a feature they would not use. Instead, we bumped up the battery significantly to 6,000mAh, which is something that any POCO X3 user will be able to take advantage of.”
Also read: POCO X3 with Snapdragon 732G SoC, 6,000mAh battery launched in India: price, specifications
POCO X3 specifications
POCO X3 sports a 6.67-inch FHD+ display with a 120Hz refresh rate, 240Hz touch sampling rate, a punch-hole cutout, and Gorilla Glass 5 protection. The phone is powered by the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G SoC coupled with Adreno 618 GPU, up to 8GB RAM, and 128GB storage. It runs on Android 10 OS with MIUI 12 and POCO Launcher 2.0 on top. Connectivity options include IR blaster, NFC, 4G LTE, dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, USB Type-C port, and a 3.5mm headphone jack.
As for the optics, the POCO X3 has a quad-camera system consisting of a 64MP Sony IMX682 primary sensor, a 13MP ultra-wide-angle lens, and a couple of 2MP sensors for depth and macro shots. There is a 20MP selfie snapper on the front and a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for security. The phone houses a 6,000mAh battery and supports 33W fast charging. The POCO X3 is IP53 rated for splash resistance and is equipped with dual stereo speakers.
from 91mobiles.com https://ift.tt/2FSVamR
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