Samsung Galaxy A52 price and availability details have been leaked even though the launch date is yet to be announced. According to a report by TechnikNews, the phone, which is expected to come in 4G and 5G variants, will go on sale before mid-March. The Samsung Galaxy A52 4G price is said to start at €349 (approx Rs 30,000), while the Galaxy A52 5G will cost €449 (approx Rs 39,500). This is in line with previous Samsung Galaxy A52 price leaks and reports. The phone will be available in two RAM/storage configurations — 6GB/128GB and 8GB/256GB – and it will come in blue, white, black, and purple colour options, the report claims. The Samsung Galaxy A52 launch is expected alongside Samsung Galaxy A72.
Samsung Galaxy A52 specifications
Samsung Galaxy A52 4G specifications will include a 6.5-inch Super AMOLED display with standard 60Hz/ 120Hz refresh rate. The phone is said to be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G SoC paired with up to 8GB RAM + 128GB storage option. As for the Samsung Galaxy A52 5G, the phone is believed to rock 120Hz 6.5-inch Super AMOLED display and Snapdragon 750G SoC, which has the 5G modem built-in.
As for the optics, Samsung Galaxy A52 4G and 5G variants both are expected to sport quad cameras, comprising a 64MP primary sensor, 12MP secondary lens and a couple of 5MP lenses, at the back. The smartphone is rumoured to employ a 32MP front-facing camera in the punch-hole setup for selfies and video calling. The handset is likely to boot Android 11 OS with OneUI 3.0 custom skin on top to take care of the software side of things. The Samsung Galaxy A52 will reportedly be driven by a 4,500mAh battery with 25W fast-charging support.
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