Realme Race India launch could be around the corner as a Realme phone with model number RMX2202 has appeared on the BIS certification, as spotted by MySmartPrice. Realme Race specifications have been tipped in the past and the phone is widely expected to come with the flagship Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 SoC. Internally referred to as RMX2202, the Realme Race launch in China is imminent and the phone has also received the TENAA certification this week. The BIS certification now suggests the Realme Race India launch is imminent and the phone may release in the country after its debut in China.
Also read: Realme Race design revealed through images on TENAA
Realme Race (RMX2202) receives BIS certification
Realme Race specifications
Based on some concept renders from earlier, we know that the Realme Race will come with three rear cameras. However, the actual camera configuration is still shrouded in mystery due to the leaks not specifying the variant of the devices in question. However, it is reasonable to assume that at least one Realme Race version will pack the same 64MP primary camera module we’ve seen on several Realme-branded smartphones such as the Realme X7 and Realme X7 Pro. The flagship is also tipped to come with 12GB RAM, a 5,000mAh battery, and 125W fast charging support.
The Realme Race Pro is also tipped to be in the works and it is expected to be a more specced-out phone compared to the vanilla Realme Race. For starters, it is slated to be the first Realme smartphone to feature a 2K screen. However, the lack of information surrounding the Realme Race Pro leaves a lot of room for speculation. In all likelihood, Realme could take a page out of Xiaomi’s playbook and launch the Realme Race Pro a few weeks after the vanilla Realme Race.
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