Mi QLED TV 4K is scheduled to launch in India on December 16th and it is now being teased on Flipkart, confirming its availability on the e-commerce platform. The listing also confirms a few key specifications such as the Dolby Vision, HDR10+, Dolby Audio, PatchWall UI on top of Android TV OS, and future-ready features like HDMI 2.1 with eARC, dual-band Wi-Fi, and Mi Quick Wake. In addition to the Mi QLED TV 4K being listed on Flipkart, Xiaomi has revealed to Financial Express Online a few more details about the upcoming TV. The Mi QLED TV 4K will not be a rebrand of the Mi TV 5 Pro as was previously rumoured. This isn’t surprising considering Xiaomi has designed India-specific products a handful of times in the past.
Eshwar Nilakantan, category lead for smart TVs at Xiaomi India, said “Over the last two and a half years, we have gained a lot of expertise in this market. We have poured all of that knowledge into this product. In terms of performance, it is four-five generations ahead.” The key difference between the regular LED TV and Mi QLED TV 4K is that it will offer 100 percent colour volume that will take advantage of Quantum Dots. Meaning, the picture quality should be immersive.
All QLED TVs that will be sold in India will be made in India
Xiaomi says that it has spent months fine-tuning the TV as per the market requirements. “We could have launched a QLED TV nine months ago. Taking something that is available in China and launching here is something that we do not want to do because we want to spend that extra bit of time and energy to ensure we are able to do complete justice to the technology, so it works to its full potential, noted Eshwar Nilakantan. Additionally, the executive has also confirmed that all QLED TVs that will be sold in India, will be made in India. “Going forward in 2021 we are looking to bring more of this technology to India,” said Eshwar.
When asked about the possible Mi QLED TV 4K price in India, Eshwar hints the price category is “not very alien to us.” Suggesting it will be in a segment that Xiaomi offers some of its current high-end smart TVs.
from 91mobiles.com https://ift.tt/3m0Ib1D
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